"A debut novel by Matthew Munson, 'Fall From Grace' follows the lives of three friends who find themselves somehow caught in middle of the wars in Heaven which started over two thousand years ago. Paul, an ex-priest, feels his life is passing him by since he left his calling, and the increasing frequency of his dreams doesn’t help. He can’t even shake the feeling after talks with Joseph, his best friend and sceptic extraordinaire. Joseph’s sister Lauren is happy with her new post as a psychologist at the local university, but just wishes her long-suffered mental absences would stop. As their true identities are revealed, Paul, Joseph and Lauren must venture to the Heavenly Ruling Chamber to come face to face with not only the Almighty himself, but with those who started the rebellion over two millennia ago."
Matthew runs the blog Life From The Front - Dispatches From Viking Bay which talks not only about his writing but also about Deaf and Dyspraxia awareness.